12 December 2011

Travancore Titanium Recruitment 2011 Lab Analyst Trainees

TravancoreTravancore Titanium Products Limited, Trivandrum (A Government of Kerala Undertaking) required Lab Analyst Trainees as part of Industrial Training Programme.  Only male candidates called for this post. The Duration of training 6 Months.

Name of the Post

Age Limit



Lab Analyst Trainees

24 Years as on 01/01/2011

Rs.5000/- PM

M.Sc Chemistry / 1st Degree in Chemistry.

Walk In Interview: T.T.P Campus at 9 AM  on 14/12/2011 with orginal certificates with copies in support qualification and Age.

Detailed Info: http://www.travancoretitanium.com/images/labanalysttrainees.jpg

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-12T14:00:22Z