09 November 2011

National Insurance Recruitment 2011 Officers (300 Vacancies)

National InsuranceNational Insurance Company Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) a Non-life Public Sector  Company is  the  fastest  growing company in the general insurance market. Its organisational structure has a base of 15600  human assets working in its 1218  offices and business centres  with premium income of Rs. 6245.17 crores in the year 2010-11. The Company  is going to recruit about 300  Officers from open market. Interested  Ogranisation  having requisite infrastructure and experience for recruitment of Officers in Public Sector General Insurance Companies and/or Life Insurance Corporation of India  from open market may wish to apply for undertaking the said exercise on our behalf.

Post Name

No of Vacancies




The  Agency  /Company  must  have experience for recruitment  of Officers in  Public Sector General Insurance Companies and / or Life Insurance Corporation of India.  Proofs to be submitted in form of Work Order or Completion certificate.  In the absence of this experience, the application will not be entertained.

How To Apply: The Application in the prescribed format. The duly completed application  should be submitted within  25/11/2011  (by 5-00PM) at the following address: “Chief Manager, Personnel Department, National Insurance Co.Ltd., 3, Middleton Street, Kolkata 700 071.”

Detailed Information: http://www.nationalinsuranceindia.com/nicWeb/nic/downloads/ho_1111.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-11-09T14:04:11Z