10 October 2011

UCO Bank Officers Recruitment October 2011 (Total 127 Vacancies)

ucobankUCO Bank (A leading listed Public Sector Bank) Human Resource Management Department, Head Office Kolkata invites ON-LINE  applications from Indian Citizens for the following  Specialist  Officers  posts.


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit


Security Officers


21 to 35 years for posts in JMGS-I and 45 years for posts in MMGS-II.


Law Officers


For Law Officer in MMGS-II, minimum 25 years maximum 35 years. For Law Officer in MMGS-III, minimum 30 years maximum 40 years.


IT Officers


Minimum 21 Years. Maximum 30 years, with relaxation for SC/ST/OBC as per rules.

Scale of Pay: JMGS-I - Rs. 14500- 600/7- 18700- 700/2- 20100- 800/7- 25700, MMGS-II -  Rs. 19400- 700/1- 20100- 800/10- 28100, MMGS-III - Rs. 25700- 800/5- 29700- 900/2- 31500.

Application Fee: Rs.50/- (postage charges only) for SC/ST/PWD Candidates. Rs.450/- (Application Fees plus postage charges) All others including OBC Candidates.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates are required to  apply  only Online through official website www.ucobank.com  between  26.09.2011 and 17.10.2011. Print-out complete in all respects should be sent only by ordinary post in a closed envelope superscribed “PRINT OUT FOR THE POST OF ________________________ OFFICER IN SCALE- ______ IN UCO BANK” to the following address: “General Manager, Human Resource Management, UCO Bank, Head Office, 1st Floor, 10, B. T. M. Sarani, Kolkata-700 001 (West Bengal).” The Printouts should reach the address mentioned above on or before 21.10.2011 by Ordinary Post. In case of far flung areas the last date for receipt of application printouts will be 01.11.2011.

Detailed Advertisement: http://recruitment.ucobank.com/advt-recruitment-engl.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-10-10T13:34:31Z