11 October 2011

Assam Agricultural University Jobs 2011 for Research Associate

AAUAssam Agricultural University (AAU) Jorhat under Department of Horticulture invites application for the post of Research Associate  under the project Horticulture Mission for NE and Himalayan Region (MM-I).

Name of the Position

No of Posts

Pay and Allowances

Educational Qualification

Research Associate (RA)


Rs. 23,000 + HRA + MA (pre-revised)

1st class M.Sc (Agri) in Horticulture/ Plant Breeding and Genetics/ Crop Physiology/ Agril. Biochemistry / Plant Pathology/ Entomology and Soil Science.

Desirable: Good knowledge on computer application.

Date of Interview and Venue: 25-10-2011 at 11 A.M. Department of Horticulture.

Further information: http://www.aau.ac.in/classified/hmneh3.html

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:16:36Z