19 September 2011

Indian Statistical Institute Jobs 2011 Project Linked Person

ISICALIndian Statistical Institute  Kolkata Walk-in-interview will be conducted on 28 September 2011 from 10:00 a.m. at Machine Intelligence Unit (MIU), 4th floor of the Platinum Jubilee Building of the Institute for the recruitment of one Project linked person, purely on temporary basis, in the Machine Intelligence Unit, to work full time in the project titled "Fuzzy Information Retrieval: Question Answering Paradigm" of the Institute.

Post Name

No of Post

Age Limit

Consolidated Salary

Project Linked Person


35 years as on 01 September 2011

Rs.16000/- - Rs.20000/- per month, depending on the qualifications and experience.

Qualifications: Essential - MCA or B.E./ B.Tech. or equivalent in Computer Science/ Electronics/ Electrical/ Information Technology or M.Sc. in Statistics/ Mathematics/ Physics/ Electronics/ Computer Science with consistently good academic records and knowledge in computer programming. Desirable - M.E/ M.Tech. or equivalent in Computer Science/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics/ Information Technology. Exposure to information retrieval/ text mining and Java programming.

Walk In Interview Date and Venue: 28 September 2011 from 10:00 a.m. at Machine Intelligence Unit (MIU), 4th floor of the Platinum Jubilee Building of the Institute.

Detailed Info: http://www.isical.ac.in/JobApplicationFiles/MIU6.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-09-19T14:24:54Z