12 September 2011

CIAE Bhopal Jobs 2011 for Senior Technical Assistant

icarlogoCentral Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE) Bhopal under ICAR invites application for the temporary post of Senior Technical Assistant at Central Institute of Agricultural  Engineering, Nabi Bagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal-462 038 Main Institute, Bhopal under the  administrative control of Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

Post Name

No of Post

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Senior Technical Assistant (Economics) / Group- Field Farm Technicians / Category-III


18-35 years

PB-3, Rs.15,600-
39,100 +
Grade pay
of Rs.5,400/-

Master’s Degree in Economics or any other branch of Science/social science relevant to agriculture or equivalent qualification from a
recognised university. 1-2 years experience in the relevant field.

Application Fee: Application  form must accompany with a Bank Draft of Rs.500/- (SC/ST/Women and Physically Handicapped candidates are exempted) drawn in favour of Director, CIAE payable at Bhopal.

How To Apply: Applications should be submitted in the prescribed  proforma strictly typed/hand written. Completed application reach to “the Chief Administrative Officer, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal-462 038” on or before 15/10/2011.

Detailed Info: http://www.ciae.nic.in/Senior%20Technical%20Assistant%20T-6.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:16:36Z