11 September 2011

Bharathiar University Recruitment 2011 for Project Fellows and Project Assistants (28 Vacancies)

Bharathiar UnivApplications are invited from the suitable candidates for the post of  Project Fellows and Project Assistants in various departments to work in the DST-PURSE (PROMOTION OF UNIVERSITY RESEARCH & SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE) programme at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.


Post Name

No of Vacancies



Project Fellows


Rs.8000/pm (Consolidated)


Project Assistants


Rs.8000/pm (Consolidated)

How To Apply: Application along with recent  Bio-data, copies of certificates related to qualifications and  experience,  a set of  recent publications etc., may sent  (by either  regular mail or email) to Prof.
Dr.P.S.Mohan, Co-Coordinator, DST-PURSE programme, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641046 Tamil Nadu on or before 28th September,2011. Email:1) dstpurse@buc.edu.in 2) ps_mohan_in@yahoo.com.

Detailed Recruitment: http://www.b-u.ac.in/Recruitmentfiles/purse_recruit.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:16:35Z