11 August 2011

NEDFI Recruitment 2011 for Consultants

NEDFiNorth Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi), Guwahati, intends to empanel experienced Consultants for its Advisory & Consultancy Department in the following areas for fee based assignments in the North Eastern states of India.

Post Name



Individuals with post graduation qualifications and having over 20 years of experience including ten years of subject experience may apply. Applicants must have proven report writing and presentation skills.

How To Apply: Detailed resume containing all particulars like name, contact details, work experience for the past twenty years, assignments undertaken in the past ten years (along with the names of the clients, personal role and responsibilities), references etc. may be sent to “General Manager & Company Secretary, North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (NEDFi), NEDFi House, Dispur, G.S. Road, Guwahati-781006” on or before 28/08/2011.

Detailed Document: http://www.nedfi.com/Empanelment%20Consultants.doc

by | Last Updated on 2011-11-09T10:42:25Z