12 August 2011

IGNOU Recruitment 2011 for Registrar

ignouIndira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) invites application from Indian citizens in the prescribed Application Form for filling up the post of Registrar, Material Production and Distribution Division (MPDD) reserved for SC category. Advertisement No.47/2011.

Post Name

Pay Scale


Registrar, Material Production and Distribution Division (MPDD)

PB-4 : 37400 – 67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/-

A Post Graduate Degree with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven point scale. At least 15 years experience in the field of production, distribution, storage and inventory control of print material at a senior level.

Application Processing Fee: Rs.100/- (Rupees hundred only) is payable in the form of Demand Drawn in favour of IGNOU, New Delhi. 

How To Apply: Filled in application form together with copies of testimonials in support of their claim relating to qualifications, experience, caste, age etc. duly self attested should be sent to the Assistant Registrar (Recruitment), Administration Division, Block 7, Room No.13, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110068 on or before 08.09.2011.  The candidate should mention “Application for the post of “Registrar (MPDD)”, in bold letters on top of the envelope.

Detailed Info & Application Form: Click Here

by | Last Updated on 2011-08-12T11:37:09Z