The Andhra Pradesh State Seeds Development Corporation Limited (APSSDC) Hyderabad invites application from the interested, eligible and qualified candidates for the following posts.
S.No | Name of the post | No of Posts | Age Limit | Pay Scale |
1. | General Manager (Production) | 01 | 45 years | Rs.30,000/- per month |
2. | General Manager (Administration) | 01 | 45 years | Rs.30,000/- per month |
3. | General Manager (Marketing) | 01 | 45 years | Rs.30,000/- per month |
4. | Company Secretary | 01 | 45 years | Rs.23650-49360/- per month |
How To Apply: Applications in the prescribed perform containing 1] Name 2] Father’s Name 3] Date of Birth & Age 4] Gender 5] Nationality 6] Educational Qualifications 7] Experience 8] Languages known 9] Address for communication along with two passport size photos, attested Xerox copies of educational qualifications and experience should be sent by post to Vice Chairperson & Managing Director, Regd. Office: 5-10-193,
2nd Floor, HACA Bhavan, Hyderabad – 500 004. The last date for receipt of applications is 5.00 P.M. on 31.08.2011.
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by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T07:34:55Z