08 July 2011

NBRI Lucknow Recruitment 2011 Data Entry Operators

csirNational Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow desires to engage Data Entry Operators on purely temporary basis on contract for a period of 6 months under Project entitled “Building Electronic Knowledge Based Effective Work Places” at NBRI, Lucknow.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Consolidated Amount

Essential Qualification

Data Entry Operators


28 years

Rs. 14,000/- p.m.

Graduate in Computer Science
or Graduate with 2 years Diploma in computer Science with knowledge of Computer Applications/ Office Automation and English Typing skill.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates may appear together with duly filled-in downloaded Application Form (available on NBRI website) for Walk-in-Interview on  18-07-2011  between  9:30AM to 10:30AM (candidates will not be entertained after 10.30 AM under any circumstance) along with latest passport size photograph, original and attested copies of all certificates in the proper format issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest instructions issued from time to time on the subject.

Further Information: http://www.nbri.res.in/recruitment.aspx

by | Last Updated on 2011-07-12T13:30:53Z