12 July 2011

IIT Rajasthan Jobs 2011 Student Placement Officer and Yoga Instructor

iit RajasthanIndian Institute of Technology (IIT) Rajasthan, Jodhpur recruitment of posts for Student Placement Officer (SPC) and Yoga Instructor cum Student Counsellor (CPA). Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following posts.


Post Name

No of Post

Consolidated Salary



Student Placement Officer


Rs 30,000 – 50,000 PM

Post graduate/graduate with MBA or PGDIM with 5 years of relevant working experience.


Yoga Instructor cum Student Counsellor


Rs 10,000 – 20,000 PM

Post-graduate in Yogic Science with specialization in Management, Human

How To Apply: Applications furnishing details of qualification, experience, photocopies of degrees, marks sheets, caste and other certificates to be sent to following address on or before 30.07.2011.

Officer in Charge
Recruitment, Academic and R & D Affairs,
IIT Rajasthan, Old Residency Road, Ratanada, Jodhpur 342 011
Ph 0291-2449009 (Off)

Detailed Information: http://www.iitj.ac.in/jobs_file/adv_spc_cpa.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-07-12T08:28:19Z