12 July 2011

DAVV University Indore Jobs 2011 Project Fellow

DAVVDAVV University Indore - Applications are invited for a project fellow on the consolidated fellowship of Rs. 10,000/- per month under a MPCST  sponsored research project entitled “Exploration of Tamarind seed polysaccharide as gelling agent for the sustained ocular delivery of Moxifloxacin.” The post is purely temporary and it is for a period of two years or completion/termination of the project whichever is earlier.

Post Name

Consolidated Fellowship

Essential qualification

Project Fellow

Rs. 10,000/- per month

GATE/GPAT qualified candidates with M.Pharm  first class degree in Pharmaceutics.

How To Apply: Interested candidates are required to submit their CV by speed post to Dr. Rashmi Dahima, Principal Investigator-MPCST  research project, School of Pharmacy, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Takshshila Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore-452001. An advance copy may also be e-mailed to  dahimarashmi@rediffmail.com. Last date of application: 20th July, 2011.

Detailed Info: http://www.dauniv.ac.in/notices/Vacancy%20for%20a%20project%20fellow%20under%20MPCST.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-07-12T13:30:53Z