28 July 2011

Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Recruitment 2011 | Central Bank of India Vacancies 2011 Managers

cbiCentral Bank of India, a leading Public Sector Bank, is looking for Qualified and experienced Technical Professionals in Senior Management Grade Scale IV & Middle Management Grade III under Specialist Category.


Name of the Post

Age Limit




Chief Manager (Technical) in SMG Scale - IV

Between 30-40 years

Essential: Graduate / Post graduate in Engg. in disciplines such as Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, IT, Electronics, Metallurgy- from recognized University/ AICTE Approved Institution.

Minimum experience of 3 years as Technical Officer in Banks/Term Lending Institutions/ Public Sector Undertakings / Govt. Organisations etc.


Senior Manager (Technical) in MMG Scale-III

Between 25-35 years

Essential: Graduate / Post graduate in Engg. in disciplines such as Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, IT, Electronics, Metallurgy- from recognized University/ AICTE Approved Institution

Minimum experience of 3 years as Technical Officer in Banks /Term Lending Institutions / Public Sector undertakings / Govt. Organisations etc.

Scale of Pays: The Scale of Pay for Scale III is Rs. 25700-800/5-900/2-31500 with the total emoluments at the start of the Scale shall be Rs. 39270/- approx. + usual perks & benefits at Mumbai. The Scale of Pay for Scale IV is Rs. 30,600-900/4-1000/2-36200 with the total emoluments at the start of the Scale shall be Rs. 46,756/- approx. + usual perks & benefits at Mumbai.

Application Fee: Rs.1000/- payable by way of Draft drawn on any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “Central Bank of India- Recruitment of Technical Officers” and payable at Mumbai.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates have to submit their applications in prescribed format. Last date of receipt of application is 08.08.2011. Address the application, Super scribing “Application for the post of Chief Manager (Technical)/Sr.Manager ( Technical)” as the case may be to “General Manager- HRD” and submit to “Central Bank of India, Chander Mukhi, 17th floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400 021.”

Detailed Advertisement: https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in/upload/Adv-rnp.doc

by | Last Updated on 2011-07-28T11:10:55Z