01 June 2011

The Indian Navy Permanent Commission Course Commencing Jan 2012 | www.nausena-bharti.nic.in

Indian NavyThe Indian Navy 10+2 Cadet (B.Tech) Entry Scheme (Permanent Commission). Applications are invited from Unmarried Male Candidates to join the prestigious Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala under 10+2 Cadet (B Tech) Entry Scheme.

Course Name

Age Limit

Educational Qualification

Physical Standards

Permanent Commission

2. 17 to 19// years (i.e. born between 02 Jul 1992 & 01 Jan 1995. (both dates inclusive).

Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 Pattern) or its equivalent from University/Board with at least 70 % aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English (either in Class X or Class XII).

Height and Weight. Minimum height - 157 cms with correlated weight as per age.

Eye Sight. The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be color/night blind.

How To Apply: Apply on a single A4 size paper as per prescribed format. The envelope containing the form should be with superscription " 10+2 CADET (B TECH) ENTRY SCHEME -JAN 2012 COURSE, Educational Qualification ........................ Percentage ................ % in PCM. Send your application latest by 28 June 2011 to: POST BAG NO. 4, NIRMAN BHAWAN , NEW DELHI - 110 011.

Detailed Advertisement: http://www.nausena-bharti.nic.in/pdf/10+2/AdvEnglish.pdf

Application Form: http://www.nausena-bharti.nic.in/pdf/10+2/Appform.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-06-01T07:41:57Z