25 April 2011

PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education NCERT Bhopal Recruitment 2011 of Computer Assistant

ncertThe PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE) NCERT, Bhopal requires the services of Computer Assistant (CA) as a Web Developer for  a fixed period of time. The job of CA is to assist the PAC  approved programme of the institute, “Enrichment and Maintenance of PSSCIVE website”.

Name of the Post

Age Limit



Computer Assistant (CA) as a Web Developer

30 years

Rs. 8000/­- per month   (consolidated)

B.E./ B. Tech. in Computer Science/ Information Technology or M. Sc. in 
Computer Science/ Information Technology or MCA with minimum 55% marks or  equivalent.

How To Apply: Interested candidates may apply with their bio-data and profile detailing their educational qualifications, job experience and projects/ activities undertaken, in person or by post on or before 02.05.2011 up to 1:00 pm to The Deputy Secretary, PSSCIVE,  Bhopal  and   appear   for   interview on  03.05.2011 at  11:00 am  in  the Committee Room of  the  institute.

Detailed Advertisement: http://www.psscive.nic.in/CAdv%202011%2012.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-04-25T12:32:56Z