07 April 2011

LIC DSE Recruitment 2011 (Total 7540 Vacancies) | LIC Direct Sales Executive 2011 in Various Zone

LICLife Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) engagement of Direct Sales Executives (DSE) under various Zonal Office. Online application invited form Indian citizens for the post of DSEs for various offices of the  Corporation  purely on a contract basis  for a period  of three years.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Direct Sales Executives

7540  (Central Zone - 617, East Central Zone - 683, Northern Zone Office - 2136,  Southern Zone Office - 1088, Western Zone Office - 2083, South Central Zone Office – 933)

21-35 Years

The apprentice DSE  shall be paid a  fixed one‐time stipend of Rs 3500/-

Graduate with proficiency in English and local language.

Application Fee: For all candidates (other than SC/ST category): Rs.100/‐. The application fee shall be paid by cash only at the cash counter during cash hours only of any Branch office of Life Insurance Corporation  of India under Account Code 114034.

How To Apply: Candidates  are  necessarily  required  to  apply  On‐line  through  LIC’s  website  under  the heading  “Careers”  http://www.licindia.in/careers.htm on or before 26/04/2011.

Detailed Information:http://www.licindia.in/pages/NZ_2011.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-04-07T06:55:28Z