30 April 2011

IARI New Delhi Recruitment 2011 Research Associates and Senior Research Fellow

IARIWater Technology Centre under Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) - Applications are invited  for filling up the temporary post of Research Associates (2 posts) and Senior Research Fellow (1 post)  under project “Precision Farming Development Centre”  sponsored by NCPAH, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI at Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi-110012.


Job Title

No of Vacancy




Research Associate


Rs. 23,000/- + (HRA 30%)

Essential: M.Tech./ M.Sc. with 3 years research experience  or PhD  in  Soil and Water Conservation Engineering/ Irrigation  & Drainage Engineering/ Water Management.
Desirable: Experience in the field of micro irrigation.


Senior Research Fellow


Rs.16,000/-+ (HRA 30 %)
for 1st and 2nd year and Rs.
18000+ (HRA 30 %) for 3rd

Essential: M.Sc. in Soil Science/ Environmental Science/  Botany/ Microbiology.
Desirable: Experience in handling and testing of waste water/ ground water, soil and plant samples including micro biological aspects of soil, water, plant and produce.

Interested candidate should send their biodata by email at  tbsraj@iari.res.in latest by May 15, 2011.

Further Details: http://www.iari.res.in/files/job-wtc-15-5-2011.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:18:48Z