29 April 2011

Hutti Gold Mines Company Limited Jobs 2011 Medical Officer | www.huttigold.co.in

HGMLHutti Gold Mines Company Limited (HGML) is a Government of Karnataka Enterprises requirements the Medical Officer for its unit situated at Hutti, Raichur District (Karnataka).

Job Title

No of post

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Medical Officer


30-40 Years


MBBS and completion of House man ship.Knowledge of Kannada is desirable. Preference will be given to candidates having experience.

Walk In Interview: At the time of Interview, the candidates are required to submit passport size photographs and produce all original documents pertaining to education, caste, experience etc. Age and experience is relaxable in case of deserving and suitable candidates.Walk in Interview will be held on 12-05-2011 from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. at the Company’s Administrative Office at Hutti – 584 115, Raichur District Karnataka State.

Further Details: http://www.huttigold.co.in/hutti/index/displayjob?jobid=44

by | Last Updated on 2011-04-29T13:45:25Z